Thursday, March 29, 2012

Sooo... I am a person with IBS, multiple food allergies and fibromyalgia, who grew up as a child with chronic fatigue and stomach migraines. Lame, right?

Dr. Campbell-Mcbride studied the relation between many of the neurological diseases (Autism, depression, dyslexia, ADHD etc.) and digestion issues, made some amazing discoveries and, basically, in her book, goes through and shows you what to do to use the proper nutrition (in ways that a compromised and weakened body can handle) to heal the body of those (and various other) digestion problems and a lot of those neurological problems as well. Amazing right?
You can find the book on Amazon here.
Or see a website explaining more about the GAPS here:

Like I said, essentially, she shows you how to heal your digestion, (from intolerance, food allergies, parasites, non-beneficial bacteria overgrowth, yeast overgrowth etc.) and helps you learn to feed your body the proper nutrition to heal not only your digestion, but your immune system so it has the building blocks to re-build the rest of your body including a compromised neurological system, hence aiding greatly in the healing of those diseases.

Because I am someone with A) Multiple food allergies (and other digestive issues) and B) other chronic health issues. When I found someone who basically put every bit of research I had found valid over the many years of searching and studying concerning things that I have (as well as what many other people have) and what I should to to recover/heal from it... Iiiiii was pretty excited!
She not only puts a lot of the medical research into fairly shirt-sleeve English, but she combined what I already knew and gives a step-by-step on what to heal from it. =)
My mother and I found this diet that basically teaches how to be healed from almost every food allergy, as well as parasites and such ( which I have fought with endlessly over the years) So that they don't come back. So, since it doesn't contradict most research I've done, (and actually supports practically all of it!) you better believe that I am going to do it!

I also must add, that I, for my own part, truly do believe this to be an answered prayer. My family and I have been praying for so many years that God would heal me/help me to be healed, and after many different trials and lessons, this diet/protocol with all it's extended research, promises to be exactly the help I needed all along! =)

On this blog will be the extent of my personal path and (a probably greatly simplified version of) the day-to-day happenings of personally living on the GAPS diet; as well the process of my gradual healing. It is a year-long program. The blog I plan to make my project for April 2012-early 1213. I'm doing this in order for anyone wanting to do the GAPS diet themselves to see what I am doing, how it works, and what tips there are that I would give any fellow GAPSters from my journey towards (God willing) a healthy- allergy free body! =)
*Woot!* =)

So here is my journey. Follow if you wish. Comment if you please. I hope (*especially* if you are looking into doing the GAPS diet yourself) that you find it either helpful, interesting, or maybe, just maybe, even a little of both. =)

(P.S. for anyone actually starting the GAPS diet, I would also highly recommend the "GAPS GUIDE" book, as it is a bit more of a comprehensive guide to actually implementing the GAPS protocol. =) *wishes you the best of luck!*


  1. Awesome! I'm so glad you are blogging this!!
    I'm intensely curious because:
    * All things health interest me.
    * I want to know what the GAPS life is like.
    * I want to know what your successes and difficulties are, and cheer you on.
    * I'm terribly interested in every detail of how this answered prayer will unfold!!
    :::Tries to contain overflowing excitement:::

  2. Thank you, AgentGiggles!
    I have to admit, I'm pretty excited myself! ^_^
    I will be doing my best to keep the blog updated every step along my journey. A year seems like kind of a long time, but after twenty something years of dealing with these health issues, for what it's worth, I'm committed!
    Thanks so much for your interest and support! It really means a lot! =)

    p.s. If you you think you would wish to be updated each time I post, be sure to subscribe! =)
